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Like last year, we offer combined tickets for Buenzli and Evoke. Get in to both parties with one single ticket! More info can be found here.

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buenzli - the swiss demoscene event

The Buenzli party is a demoparty regularly organized in Switzerland. After having started in the roots of the Swiss PC scene, it slowly left the woods to join some hotel undergrounds. When the party got bigger and more successful, it joined the bigger locations like Bierhübeli in Berne to finally settle with style in the Kirchgemeindehaus in Winterthur.

The party features an awesome partyplace, this room is very famous for a lot of conferences, parties and other events it features all trougout the year. You'll enjoy watching great demoshows on the bigscreen (almost non stop) while drinking a beer at the bar or the chill out corner.

Being first the ultimate Swiss scene event only, every year Buenzli attracts more and more foreign sceners, searching the real scene feeling and incredible party atmosphere downtown Switzerland. In other words, even with no computer, you'll have huge fun.

Additional information can be found in our column "What is Buenzli": [en][de]

buenzli in the press

Buenzli already appeared in the Swiss press since a long time ago. Have a look at a few selected articles and appreances:

  • DRS3 (an official Swiss pop radio station in German language) made a report about Buenzli 7 [mp3 in German].
  • Buenzli 8 was featured in two local newspapers: Neue Luzerner Nachrichten and Berner Oberländer.
  • In Weltwoche 38 from the 21. September 2000, there was an Orbit-Sepcial (Orbit is a Swiss IT-Expo) with the following article: "Wer hat Angst vor der Generation @" ("Who's scared by generation @"). [The original article as PDF]. The article is pretty disappoint since it contains tons of facts which are simply wrong: We are not supported by DRS3 (or any other media-station) and Radio24 is not standing for the local Radio from Zurich.
  • Right before Buenzli #10 started, a journalist from the daily newspaper Der Bund (one of the biggest newspaper in Switzerland) contacted us. We sent him some documents about the party and the scene and met him at the party place. The result of our tries was a very good article.
  • After meeting the journalist several times at Buenzli 13, explaining him all details of the demoscene and demoparties, there was a very good article in the Winterthurer Landbote on the 24 august 2004. Read it.
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buenzli 13

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